Global Communication Stars
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I'm a learner
I'm a teacher
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Enter your email address:
Think of a password and enter it below:
Enter that password again:
Choose/Enter your institution (check the list first to see if your institution is already there or not):
Bunkyo University, Adachi Campus
Hokkaido University
International University of Japan
Japan Women's University
Keio University
Kyoto University
Nagoya University
Nihon University, Mishima Campus
Ochanomizu University
Rikkyo University
Sophia University
Test University
The University of Tokyo
Tohoku University
Toyo University
University of Tsukuba
Waseda University
Choose a secure question from below:
What is your favorite movie of all time?
What is your favorite food dish?
What city were you born in?
Enter your answer to the secure question that you chose above:
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